Monday, May 28, 2007

Manic Monday: Red

This weeks manic Monday Theme is RED. Wikipedia states that: "In human color psychology, red is associated with energy and blood, and emotions that stir the blood, including anger, passion, and love". So, following that theme . . . . . . . .

This is one of my favourite songs . . . . . .

This is my favourite Red wine. I have been known to paint the town RED after a few glasses & it's also been known to lead to the ocassional "passionate" moments (wink!)

But RED also symbolise the sign to "STOP?"

What I can't understand is why some people don't STOP drink driving???????????

16 Pats for the Pooch:

Unknown said...

...should be interesting to learn more about the effect on that RED wine on you!! Have a great MM and Memorial Day!

peace, Villager

Claire said...

Ahhhh! i am getting a bit scared now. have you bugged my computer?

Anonymous said...

wonderful interpretation of RED!! Love it!! Happy Monday.

Shaz said...

No Claire you cheeky blogger! My posts are my own!!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

*blink* seems like a rewind!! ha ha

love the song!!

smiles, bee

Shaz said...

Hope you like our second hone Bee x x

Durward Discussion said...

Great song and a wonderful interpretation of the theme.

Crazy Working Mom said...

Wow! Great choice for the theme. Very powerful! I had a cousin killed by a drunk driver. So, that really hits home. :)

Thanks for a great MM post.
Hope you have a good one.

Ingrid said...

But that's easy to understand ! A drinker always thinks he has not drunk at all only two little bottles of wine so what would that do to your driving style? Anyway a straight street his full of curves !

Anonymous said...

perfect picked for todays theme. love red wine its good for the heart.

Unknown said...

Aaaah, UB40 and a fine Shiraz - perfect. Thank you =)

Stine said...

Love your reds! Thanks for the visit.

Lizza said...

Red red wine, a fine thing to appreciate. But you're right, appreciation should be coupled with responsibility. Happy MM!

Travis Cody said...

Thanks for stopping by my place!

Great post on drinking responsibly. Happy MM!

Sandee said...

Loved the piece on the red wine, but I can never stop on red when wine is concerned. Loved it. Happy MM.

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

Makes me think of the old song: "red, red wine... goes to my head..." LOL. I can't listed to your song on this computer, but I can sing in my head.... hahaha.

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